What is a quantum computer? How does it work? What are its advantages? What is the current state of research in this field?

To talk about this, La tête au carré invited Pascale Senellart-Mardon , physicist, CNRS research director at C2N; Antoine Broaways , physicist, CNRS research at the Charles Fabry Laboratory – Optics Institute; and Benoit Valiron, computer scientist, teacher-researcher at CentralSupélec and research associate at Laboratoire de Méthodes Formelles

In co-production with Fanny Bouton and Olivier Ezratty, Decode Media has launched Decode Quantum, a new programme about the quantum revolution.

In its first episode, they invited Pascale Senellart-Mardon,  CNRS research director and co-founder of the start-up Quandela. Pascale Senellart-Mardon talked about the group’s work on developing optical components for quantum information processing. She has shown that it is possible to control the light emitted spontaneously by nanostructures known as quantum dots.

Quantum physics: once upon a time, there was a revolution

It’s a word that’s making headlines in everything from cosmetics to computing: “quantum”. But what are the main physical principles behind this term and what is the history of this scientific revolution? To mark the Year of Physics 2023-2024, “La Science, CQFD” takes a closer look with 4 episodes, including the second one with  Pascale Senellart CNRS research director and Tristan Meunier, CNRS researcher at Institu Néel, Grenoble.  

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