Continuous variable protocols

Semiconductor quantum dots (QDs) are excellent candidates for continuous-variable (CV) quantum information processing, a paradigm which relies on the encoding of quantum information in the electromagnetic field of light.  The high fibered brightness [1], ability to create photon number superpositions when coherently driven [2], and nonlinear nature afforded by a single emitter in a cavity [3], make quantum dots in micropillar cavities excellent candidates for CV quantum information processing. A founding pillar in the CV paradigm is homodyne detection, relying on the optimal mean-wavepacket-overlap M between classical and quantum light [4]. We aim at using the expertise gathered by our team in quantum interferences to perform the reconstruction of the Wigner function of a single photon.



  1. N. Maring et al. Nature Photonics (2024). Link to article.
  2.  J. C. Loredo et al., Nat. Photonics 13, 803 (2019).
  3. L. De Santis et al., Nat. Nanotech. 12, 663 (2017).
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