PHOQUSING is a project supported under the Horizon2020 program with the aim of realizing the potential of quantum computing in a photonics computational hybrid device.

PHOQUSING is a project supported under the Horizon2020 program with the aim of realizing the potential of quantum computing in a photonics computational hybrid device.

The European challenge towards the quantum computer

PHOQUSING is a project supported under the Horizon2020 program with the aim of realizing the potential of quantum computing in a photonics computational hybrid device.
The PHOQUSING (PHOtonic QUantum SamplING machine) project, coordinated by Prof Fabio Sciarrino of the Department of Physics of the University of Rome “La Sapienza”, was awarded a grant of more than 3 million Euros under the Horizon 2020 program of the European Commission. The project will allow to join the forces of leading European Groups involved in quantum information and integrated photonics, and two of the leading European start-ups in the relevant quantum technologies.

·        Sapienza Università di Roma, Italy. PI: Fabio Sciarrino (Coordinator)
·        IFN-CNR, Italy. PI: Roberto Osellame
·        LIN INL, Portugal. PI: Ernesto F. Galvão
·        CNRS, France. PI: Pascale Senellart
·        QuiX. PI: Jelmer Renema
·        Sorbonne Université, France. PI: Elham Kashefi
·        Veriqloud, France. PI: Marc Kaplan

This unique team will collaborate to establish photonics as an innovative quantum computational technology in Europe, addressing the science-to-technology transition towards a new industrial sector with a large foreseeable economic impact.
PHOQUSING is funded by the FET-Future Emerging Technologies, a program that supports ambitious interdisciplinary research at early stages of development with radical vision, with breakthrough technological targets.
What is quantum computation?
Quantum computers fully exploit all the potentialities of quantum mechanics to significantly enhance computing power, compared with the computers currently available, based on a conventional approach. In this context, it is essential to experimentally demonstrate the potential of quantum computers.

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PHOQUSING is a project supported under the Horizon2020 program with the aim of realizing the potential of quantum computing in a photonics computational hybrid device.

The European challenge towards the quantum computer

PHOQUSING is a project supported under the Horizon2020 program with the aim of realizing the potential of quantum computing in aphotonics computational hybrid device.

The PHOQUSING (PHOtonic QUantum SamplING machine) project, coordinated by Prof Fabio Sciarrino of the Department of Physics of the University of Rome “La Sapienza”, was awarded a grant of more than 3 million Euros under the Horizon 2020 program of the European Commission. The project will allow to join the forces of leading European Groups involved in quantum information and integrated photonics, and two of the leading European start-ups in the relevant quantum technologies.


·        Sapienza Università di Roma, Italy. PI: Fabio Sciarrino (Coordinator)

·        IFN-CNR, Italy. PI: Roberto Osellame

·        LIN INL, Portugal. PI: Ernesto F. Galvão

·        CNRS, France. PI: Pascale Senellart

·        QuiX. PI: Jelmer Renema

·        Sorbonne Université, France. PI: Elham Kashefi

·        Veriqloud, France. PI: Marc Kaplan

This unique team will collaborate to establish photonics as an innovative quantum computational technology in Europe, addressing the science-to-technology transition towards a new industrial sectorwith a large foreseeble economic impact.

PHOQUSING is funded by the FET-Future Emerging Technologies, a program that supports ambitious interdisciplinary research at early stages of development with radical vision, with breakthroughtechnological targets.

What is quantum computation?

Quantum computers fully exploit all the potentialities of quantum mechanics to significantly enhance computing power, compared with the computers currently available, based on a conventional approach. In this context, it is essential to experimentally demonstrate the potential of quantum computers.

Recently, the study of computational problems that produce samples from probability distributions (quantum sampling

problems or random circuit sampling) has highlighted a potential path forward to demonstrate quantum supremacy, corresponding to a scenario where a quantum device solves a specific problem faster than any classical system.

PHOQUSING and hybrid technology

The goal of PHOQUSING project is to develop useful quantum computation by using a hybrid computational model combining classical and quantum processes. The adopted strategy is to implement such a hybrid computational system based on integrated cutting-edge photonics.


Grant Agreement number: 899544

Funding program: H2020-FETOPEN-2018-2020 /H2020-FETOPEN-2018-2019-2020-01

Overall funding: 3,305,955.00 €

Period: 1 September 2020 – 31 August 2024


Horizon 2020 Future Emerging Technologies funding scheme

Future Emerging Technologies (FET) funding scheme is part of the Horizon 2020 framework program of the European Commission.

Its specific objective is to foster radically new technologies with the potential to open new fields for scientific knowledge and technologies and contribute to the European next generation industries by exploring novel and high-risk ideas building on scientific foundations, by providing flexible support to goal-oriented and interdisciplinary collaborative research on various scales and by adopting innovative research practices. The aim is to identify and seize opportunities of long-term benefit for citizens, the economy and the society.

By fostering novel ideas (‘FET Open’), FET shall support early stage science and technology research exploring new foundations for radically new future technologies by challenging current paradigms and venturing into unknown areas.

FET activities aim to create in Europe a fertile ground for responsible and dynamic multi-disciplinary collaborations on future technologies and for kick-starting new European research and innovation ecosystems around them. These will be seeds for future industrial leadership and for tackling society’s grand challenges in new ways.

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