High dimensional quantum Photonic Platform
The project has ended in 2021
HiPhoP – Quantera project

Today, photonics is among the very few platforms that can reach very high levels of complexity in quantum communication, computation and sensing. This is made possible by the mobility of photons and the large variety of their controllable degrees of freedom. The quantum optics community has already obtained spectacular achievements, yet using quite inefficient sources and bulk optics, limiting the number of particles involved, the explored Hilbert space dimension and the fidelity of the protocols.
Very recently, a new generation of single-photon sources and high complexity integrated optical circuits have emerged, promising to drastically scale up quantum optical technologies. In this project, experts in solid-state single-photon sources, integrated photonics, quantum optics and complexity theory join their expertise to develop a whole new platform to perform high-fidelity quantum protocols, involving a large number of particles (>8) and large number of modes (>40) in high-dimensional Hilbertspaces (108).
The objective of the project was to develop near-optimal single-photon sources based on semiconductor quantum dots, and couple them to highly reconfigurable two- and three-dimensional photonic glass chips to implement multi-photon multi-mode quantum walks. With this new platform, we implemented high photonnumber Boson sampling measurements, develop new certification protocols and head toward the threshold for quantum advantage. The platform was also used to demonstrate new secure quantum computation schemes such as homomorphic encryption, and quantum communication tasks based on so-called quantum enigma machines. The richness of applications for our developed photonic platform was further demonstrated by new advanced metrology tasks that enable simultaneous multiparameterestimation. Our interdisciplinary consortium and work methodology gives us the ideal condition to tackle these challenges and thus to establish a new generation of photonic quantum platforms.
- Coordinator: Pascale Senellart (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Délégation Régionale Ile-de-France Gif sur Yvette FR)
- Philip Walther (University of Vienna, AT)
- Roberto Osellame and Fabio Sciarrino (Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, IT)
- Ian Walmsley (University of Oxford, UK)
- Mario Ziman (Institute of Physics, Slovak Academy of Sciences, SK)
FINAL REPORTING: Presentation of the final results of the project