Quantum interferences and gates with emitter-based coherent photon sources
I. Maillette de Buy Wenniger, S.C. Wein, D. Fioretto, S.E. Thomas, et al.
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Deterministic and reconfigurable graph state generation with a single solid-state quantum emitter
H. Huet, P.R. Ramesh, S.C. Wein, N. Coste, P. Hilaire, N. Somaschi, et al.
arXiv preprint, arXiv:2410.23518, 2024.
Efficient fiber-pigtailed source of indistinguishable single photons
N. Margaria, F. Pastier, T. Bennour, et al.
arXiv preprint, arXiv:2410.07760, 2024.
A deterministic and efficient source of frequency-polarization hyper-encoded photonic qubits
N. Coste, D.A. Fioretto, S.E. Thomas, S.C. Wein, et al.
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Interference between quantum-dot emitted single photons and weak coherent states
J.R. Alvarez, H. Lam, D. Fioretto, et al.
Quantum 2.0, QM5B.2, 2024.
A versatile single-photon-based quantum computing platform
N. Maring, A. Fyrillas, M. Pont, et al.
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High-fidelity four-photon GHZ states on chip
M. Pont, G. Corrielli, A. Fyrillas, et al.
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Optimizing the Generation of Large Cluster States With Residual Visibility Measurements
L. Vidro, V. Guichard, D. Fioretto, et al.
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Four-photon GHZ states generated on a laser-written integrated platform
G. Corrielli, M. Pont, A. Fyrillas, et al.
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A general-purpose single-photon-based quantum computing platform
N. Somaschi, N. Maring, N. Belabas, et al.
Quantum Computing, Communication, and Simulation IV, PC129110M, 2024.
Spin Noise Spectroscopy of a Single Spin using Single Detected Photons
M. Gundín, P. Hilaire, C. Millet, et al.
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Giant optical polarisation rotations induced by a single quantum dot spin
E. Mehdi, M. Gundín, C. Millet, et al.
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Photonic quantum interference in the presence of coherence with vacuum
I. Wenniger, S.C. Wein, D. Fioretto, et al.
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Scalable machine learning-assisted clear-box characterization for optimally controlled photonic circuits
A. Fyrillas, O. Faure, N. Maring, J. Senellart, N. Belabas
arXiv preprint, arXiv:2310.15349, 2023.
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Parallelization of frequency domain quantum gates: manipulation and distribution of frequency-entangled photon pairs generated by a 21 GHz silicon micro-resonator
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Experimental analysis of energy transfers between a quantum emitter and light fields, IM de Buy Wenniger, SE Thomas, M Maffei, SC Wein, M Pont, N Belabas, et al.
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Device for generating single photons and entangled photon pairs, P Senellart, H Ollivier, L Lanco.
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Orbital angular momentum based intra-and interparticle entangled states generated via a quantum dot source, A Suprano, D Zia, M Pont, T Giordani, G Rodari, M Valeri, B Piccirillo, et al.
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High-rate entanglement between a semiconductor spin and indistinguishable photons, N Coste, DA Fioretto, N Belabas, SC Wein, P Hilaire, R Frantzeskakis, et al.
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Multiport Cyclic Interferometer For Genuine n-photon Indistinguishability Assessment, R Albiero, M Pont, SE Thomas, N Spagnolo, F Ceccarelli, G Corrielli, et al.
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Generation of four-photon GHZ states on a laser written integrated platform, G Corrielli, M Pont, A Fyrillas, I Agresti, G Carvacho, N Maring, et al.
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A general-purpose single-photon-based quantum computing platform, N Maring, A Fyrillas, M Pont, E Ivanov, P Stepanov, N Margaria, W Hease, et al.
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Quantum Dot-based Generation of Orbital Angular Momentum Entangled States, A Suprano, D Zia, M Pont, T Giordani, G Rodari, M Valeri, B Piccirillo,et al.
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Efficient, compact and reliable fibred single-photon source in the solid-state, N Margaria, F Pastier, M Billard, N Maring, P Senellart, V Giesz, et al.
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Probing the dynamics and coherence of a semiconductor hole spin via acoustic phonon-assisted excitation, N Coste, M Gundin, DA Fioretto, SE Thomas, C Millet, E Mehdi, et al.
Quantum Science and Technology 8 (2), 025021
Spin-photon entanglement and photonic cluster states generation with a semiconductor quantum dot in a cavity, N Coste, D Fioretto, N Belabas, S Wein, P Hilaire, R Frantzeskakis, et al.
Quantum Computing, Communication, and Simulation III, PC124460Y
Perceval: A software platform for discrete variable photonic quantum computing, N Heurtel, A Fyrillas, G De Gliniasty, R Le Bihan, S Malherbe, M Pailhas, et al.
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Controlling photon polarization with a single quantum dot spin
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High-fidelity generation of four-photon GHZ states on-chip
M. Pont, G. Corrielli, A. Fyrillas, I. Agresti, G. Carvacho, N. Maring, et al.
npj Quantum Information, 10 (50), 2024
Quantifying n-Photon Indistinguishability with a Cyclic Integrated Interferometer
M. Pont, R. Albiero, S.E. Thomas, N. Spagnolo, F. Ceccarelli, G. Corrielli, et al.
Physical Review X, 12(3), 031033, 2024.
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Three-dimensional electrical control of the excitonic fine structure for a quantum dot in a cavity
H. Ollivier, P. Priya, A. Harouri, I. Sagnes, A. Lemaître, O. Krebs, L. Lanco, et al.
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Quantum interference between two independent sources in telecommunication band
M. Cohen, R. Dalidet, F. Pastier, V. Giesz, N. Somaschi, P. Senellart, et al.
Quantum 2.0, QTu3B.5, 2024.
Measuring n-photon Indistinguishability
M. Pont, R. Albiero, S.E. Thomas, N. Spagnolo, F. Ceccarelli, G. Corrielli, et al.
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Hybrid Integrated Quantum Photonic Architecture Driven by a Quantum Dot Single-Photon Source
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Photon-number entanglement generated by sequential excitation of a two-level atom
S.C. Wein, J.C. Loredo, M. Maffei, P. Hilaire, A. Harouri, N. Somaschi, et al.
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Coherence-powered work exchanges between a solid-state qubit and light fields
I.M. de Buy Wenniger, S.E. Thomas, M. Maffei, S.C. Wein, M. Pont, A. Harouri, et al.
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Two-Photon Interference with Bright Remote Quantum Dot Sources
M. Pont, S.E. Thomas, I.M. de Buy Wenniger, A. Harouri, A. Lemaître, I. Sagnes, et al.
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Efficient telecom-band quantum frequency conversion
M. Cohen, R. Dalidet, F. Pastier, V. Giesz, N. Somaschi, P. Senellart, et al.
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Quantifying n-photon Indistinguishability with an Integrated Multi-Port Interferometer
S. Thomas, M. Pont, R. Albiero, N. Spagnolo, F. Ceccarelli, G. Corrielli, et al.
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Electron-beam lithography process adapted for a sample comprising at least one fragile nanostructure
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Semiconductor quantum light sources: Progresses and applications
P. Senellart.
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Bright polarized single-photon source based on a linear dipole
S.E. Thomas, M. Billard, N. Coste, S.C. Wein, H. Ollivier, O. Krebs, L. Tazaïrt, et al.
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The race for the ideal single-photon source is on
S. Thomas, P. Senellart.
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Semiconductor single-photon sources: progresses and applications
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Hong-Ou-Mandel interference with imperfect single photon sources
H. Ollivier, S.E. Thomas, S.C. Wein, I.M. de Buy Wenniger, N. Coste, et al.
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Time-frequency encoded single-photon generation and broadband single-photon storage with a tunable subradiant state
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Fiber-based angular filtering for high-resolution Brillouin spectroscopy in the 20-300 GHz frequency range
A. Rodriguez, P. Priya, O. Ortiz, P. Senellart, C. Gomez-Carbonell, et al.
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Coherent Phonon Generation in Hybrid Opto-Phononic Micropillars
O.O. Cabello, F. Pastier, A. Rodriguez, P. Priya, A. Lemaître, C. Gomez, et al.
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