The high emission rate, purity and indistinguishability of our single photon sources has enabled us to examine quantum interferences between single photons in different configurations. Here are some of our key works in this area:

Quantum interferences with imperfect single photon sources

Our group explored both theoretically and experimentally how unwanted multiphoton components of single-photon sources affect interference visibility between two single photons. We found that the overlap between the single photons and additional noise photons significantly impacts the interference, and showed that the properties of the additional photons play a key role to extract the intrinsic single photon indistinguishability factor.

Ollivier, H. et al. Hong-Ou-Mandel Interference with Imperfect Single Photon Sources. Phys. Rev. Lett. 126, 063602 (2021).

Identical photons from remote sources

The development of identical single photon sources is crucial for the scaling of optical quantum technologies. Previous works from our group have shown that the use of cavity quantum electrodynamics can improve the interference between two remote quantum dot sources [1], but the highest visibility reported by analyzing the interference of two remote quantum dot based single photon sources has yielded a Hong-Ou-Mandel visibility of up to (67 ± 4) % [2].

[1] Giesz, V. et al. Cavity-enhanced two-photon interference using remote quantum dot sources. Phys. Rev. B 92, 161302 (2015).

[2] Pont, M. et al. Two-Photon Interference with Bright Remote Quantum Dot Sources. Quantum Information and Measurement VI 2021 Technical Digest Series (Optica Publishing Group), paper Tu2B.4 (2021).

Interference between a single photon and a coherent state

The characterization of quantum optical states also requires their interference with coherent states. Other developments of our group, such as the energetics of quantum processes, have required the optimization of this interference.

I. Maillette de Buy Wenniger et al., Experimental Analysis of Energy Transfers between a Quantum Emitter and Light Fields, Phys. Rev. Lett. 131, 260401

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